Free Story Friday Two-fer

As you might have guessed, this Friday’s FREE STORY is Soul Eclipse: Book Two of Shadows Present 😉 You can download it from Amazon at the link above.sp2-6x9-hardcover-book-ereader

And, just for those of you who might have missed Silhouettes: Book One of Shadows Present ~ Last Friday’s Free Story ~ you can download it FREE this Friday, too.

Why? Well . . . .



As I’m busily working away on my next story project (and on learning all I can about this writing/publishing business), I find my primary desire is still that people find and read my stories, enjoy them, and want to read more and/or read them again. Not that I’m not glad of the money, of course. As Stephen King said several years ago, in the preface to “A Word Processor of the Gods” (one of my favorite stories in his collection entitled Skeleton Crew), you’re glad of the money ~ definitely ~ but that isn’t the main reason most writers write, I think. I think most of us write because we want to say something, share something . . . magical. We want to be seen.

For me, being seen means having people reading your stories and getting lost in them, living the events with the characters they recognize and identify with, telling their friends so they can share the adventure . . . and so they can be the one to turn someone else on to a great read. 😉

So, yeah, I’ll keep giving stories away as much as I can ~ and this one in particular, because I still get lost in this story, and that’s one of the best feelings.

Enjoy! and Happy Friday!


About Rebecca

Rebecca Longster is a writer, reader, and lover of words. She once was a teacher of words, and how to use 'em, at Purdue University but now she just plays with 'em instead. She lives “across the river” in Lafayette, Indiana, with 3 crazy cats ~ one of whom is her husband, James ~ artist, photographer, and renaissance man.

You can get in touch by leaving a comment below or by looking for her on Facebook or Twitter (hey ~ it could happen :-P)

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