Free Story Friday and the Magic of 3 and 9

Hello, everybody! (notice how optimistic I am?) and welcome to the 3rd installment of Free Story Friday!

sp3-6x9-hardcover-book-ereaderThis Friday’s Free Story is, you may not be surprised to learn, Book Three of Shadows Present: Shade of the Laurel.

Click on the link above and it will take you to Amazon where you can claim your free ebook copy. I really hope you enjoy this part of the story.

 The Magic of 3 & 9
I’m a big fan of the numbers 3 & 9 and their multiples. For me there’s a certain magic to 3 & 9 (and to 27, as the sum of them multiplied by each other). So . . .

September of any year is a great month for me, it being the 9th month, you see, as well as the month of our anniversary. But this September is especially wonderful in that it is a “9” year (2016 ~ The 3 whole numbers added together = 9), and it is our 18th anniversary (which, added to the year, is a total of 3 “9”s) . . . and our anniversary is on the 27th (the sum of 3×9 or 3x3x3, see?).

How cool is that, right? (Well, to me it’s pretty cool. 😉 )

A few other “3s & 9s” coolnesses related to Shadows Present (which is really about Love that endures and saves them all):

  1. The 7-Book Digital Box Set of Shadows Present is really 9 “books”~ because the first and last books each contain an “extra” section ~ Prologue:Foreshadows and Epilogue: After Images.
  2. I first offered the box set for FREE over the 3 days of Labor Day Weekend . . .
  3.  . . .which began on 09-03-2016

See? Cool. 😉

Loving the Magic
As one way of marking this magical confluence of 9s (many the result of groupings of 3) surrounding this very special anniversary, I’ve arranged a magical gift for any of you who have found your way here.



Next Tuesday: 09-27-2016, one last time before it goes out of Kindle Select/Unlimited, you can download the Entire 7-Book Digital Box Set of Shadows Present for FREE.




I hope you download your FREE Story tomorrow (Book Three of Shadows Present: Shade of the Laurel)!

And if that is your first introduction the characters in the hills outside Pipers Glen, KY, be sure to set an alert on your calendar or your phone and get your FREE copy of the Entire 7-Book Digital Box Set of Shadows Present.

Always best wishes ~


ps: Hope you carry all the Magic away with you!

About Rebecca

Rebecca Longster is a writer, reader, and lover of words. She once was a teacher of words, and how to use 'em, at Purdue University but now she just plays with 'em instead. She lives “across the river” in Lafayette, Indiana, with 3 crazy cats ~ one of whom is her husband, James ~ artist, photographer, and renaissance man.

You can get in touch by leaving a comment below or by looking for her on Facebook or Twitter (hey ~ it could happen :-P)

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