Free Story Friday: Double Double

Double Double (apologies & free stories for two days!) for your trouble . . . .

Well, as you can see, Friday got away from me (though I did finally finish the story I was working on).

Stuff happened, you know, like it does  ~ (“hey, I had a life! Skinny Marie got beat up and I hadda go visit her in the hospital”  …  wait, that wasn’t me . . . sorry . . .) and I got sidetracked. drowning-in-the-midwest

Okay. Okay, not that hard to do, I know . . . .

Still, to make it up to you, I’ve published Friday’s Free Story and made it available for FREE both today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday, Oct 15th & 16th), here: “A Drowning in the Midwest “.


As an additional bonus: You can get Book One of Shadows Present: Silhouettes for FREE this weekend, as well. So, if you haven’t gotten your copy yet, download that one too, while you’re there.

Apologies again for the delay ~ and I hope you enjoy A Drowning in the Midwest “.

The sun is shining, the temp here is great, and the leaves are starting to turn. If autumn is your favorite season, and even if it isn’t, today is an ideal day outside,  showing off the best of autumn with its sunbeams like strained honey and jewel-toned colors. It’s so beautiful.
Have a fantastic autumnal weekend 😉


About Rebecca

Rebecca Longster is a writer, reader, and lover of words. She once was a teacher of words, and how to use 'em, at Purdue University but now she just plays with 'em instead. She lives “across the river” in Lafayette, Indiana, with 3 crazy cats ~ one of whom is her husband, James ~ artist, photographer, and renaissance man.

You can get in touch by leaving a comment below or by looking for her on Facebook or Twitter (hey ~ it could happen :-P)

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