FREE Novel: My Anniversary Gift To YOU

18 years ago today the man of my dreams married the woman of his 😉 . weddedusAnd I’m celebrating this anniversary and the confluence of nines (often x 3) that I talked about in last Friday’s post (Free Story Friday and the Magic of 3 and 9) like this:

Until midnight today (9/27/2016) you can download the 7-Ebook Digital Box Set of my serial novel Shadows Present absolutely FREE!

You may be wondering what a novel of supernatural suspense and romance has to do with our anniversary (aside from the Love part 🙂 ). It’s this: James not only helped to make it possible for me to have time to finish and publish the novel …

he is also the Artist & SP2016_7eBookBoxedSet_onBGPhotographer who designed both the overall book cover and each of the covers for all 7 books of the serial version.

So Shadows Present is all us, inside and out (including the Love part 😉 ).

And Love is one of those things that multiplies the more you share it.

Wishing you the Light that can always be found among the shadows, and Love. Always Love.




About Rebecca

Rebecca Longster is a writer, reader, and lover of words. She once was a teacher of words, and how to use 'em, at Purdue University but now she just plays with 'em instead. She lives “across the river” in Lafayette, Indiana, with 3 crazy cats ~ one of whom is her husband, James ~ artist, photographer, and renaissance man.

You can get in touch by leaving a comment below or by looking for her on Facebook or Twitter (hey ~ it could happen :-P)

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