Tech snafu ;-/

My apologies to any of you who signed up for the free flash fiction piece! I am apparently in dire need a of technology maven 🙁 because I can’t figure out how to upload the piece to this blog so you can download it for yourself. I’ll figure it out eventually, I’m sure . . . .

In the meantime, though, if you will just shoot me an email at, telling me if you want the story in mobi (kindle) format or in epub (practically everything else), I will send it asap!

Again, I’m SO sorry! I’m still figuring this out, and I hope you’ll stick with me until I do, ’cause I PROMISE I will respond to you in person any time you email me.

Thanks for being here!

Always best wishes ~


About Rebecca

Rebecca Longster is a writer, reader, and lover of words. She once was a teacher of words, and how to use 'em, at Purdue University but now she just plays with 'em instead. She lives “across the river” in Lafayette, Indiana, with 3 crazy cats ~ one of whom is her husband, James ~ artist, photographer, and renaissance man.

You can get in touch by leaving a comment below or by looking for her on Facebook or Twitter (hey ~ it could happen :-P)

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